Wit's Pilgrimage - Part 24
So , art thou ( Cruell ) like a Ballance -Scale
For, when I sinck with Bale , thou mount'st with Blisse ,
And when I rise with Blisse , thou sink'st with Bale:
So, stil thou art myne Opposite by This.
And Whie all this? (o froward Faire!) o whie
In myne annoy dost thou so much delight?
Can I not liue, but thou fourthwith must die?
Or doth my death giue thy life, life, and spright?
Ther's no necessity herein at all,
Vnlesse Thou be the same: Who, ( Parchas -like)
Doth neuer rise, but by anothers fall:
That is, their Threede of life quite off to strike:
For while I waighe them wounded by thy Beames
Their number , rising, falls into Extreames!
For, when I sinck with Bale , thou mount'st with Blisse ,
And when I rise with Blisse , thou sink'st with Bale:
So, stil thou art myne Opposite by This.
And Whie all this? (o froward Faire!) o whie
In myne annoy dost thou so much delight?
Can I not liue, but thou fourthwith must die?
Or doth my death giue thy life, life, and spright?
Ther's no necessity herein at all,
Vnlesse Thou be the same: Who, ( Parchas -like)
Doth neuer rise, but by anothers fall:
That is, their Threede of life quite off to strike:
For while I waighe them wounded by thy Beames
Their number , rising, falls into Extreames!
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