To the World
O poore distracted world, partly a slave
To Pagans sinnefull rage, partly obscur'd
With ignorance of all the meanes that save;
And ev'n those parts of thee that live assur'd
Of heav'nly grace, Oh how they are devided
With doubts late by a Kingly penne decided!
O happy world, if what the Sire begunne
Had beene clos'd up by his religious Sonne!
Mourne all you soules opprest under the yoake
Of Christian-hating Thrace: never appear'd
More likelyhood to have that blacke league broke,
For such a heavenly prince might well be fear'd
Of earthly fiends. Oh, how is Zeale inflamed
With power, when truth wanting defence is shamed!
O princely soule, rest thou in peace, while wee
In thine expect the hopes were ripe in thee.
To Pagans sinnefull rage, partly obscur'd
With ignorance of all the meanes that save;
And ev'n those parts of thee that live assur'd
Of heav'nly grace, Oh how they are devided
With doubts late by a Kingly penne decided!
O happy world, if what the Sire begunne
Had beene clos'd up by his religious Sonne!
Mourne all you soules opprest under the yoake
Of Christian-hating Thrace: never appear'd
More likelyhood to have that blacke league broke,
For such a heavenly prince might well be fear'd
Of earthly fiends. Oh, how is Zeale inflamed
With power, when truth wanting defence is shamed!
O princely soule, rest thou in peace, while wee
In thine expect the hopes were ripe in thee.
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