Ye Realms below the Skies

1. Ye realms below the skies, Your Maker's praises sing; Let
2. 'Tis he the mountains crowns With forests waving wide; 'Tis
boundless honors rise, To heaven's eternal King. O bless his
he old ocean bounds, And heaves her roaring tide; He swells the
name, whose love extends, Salvation to the
tempests on the main, Or breathes the zephyr
world's far ends, Salvation to the world's far ends.
o'er the plain, Or breathes the zephyr o'er the plain.

3. Still let the waters roar,
As round the earth they roll;
His praise forevermore
They sound, from pole to pole.
'Tis nature's wild unconscious song,
O'er thousand waves, that float along,
O'er thousand waves, that float along.

4. His praise, ye worlds on high,
Display with all your spheres,
Amid the darksome sky,
When silent night appears.
O, let his works declare his name,
Through all the universal frame,
Through all the universal frame.
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