Youth's Memento

Kind is that piety which doth begin
In youth: e're 'tis accustom'd unto sin
The mind white paper is, and will admit
Of any lesson you may write in it.
What's then imprinted, there doth firmly stand
Not to be blotted out by any hand,
But when that vice hath first took up the place,
'Twill be a double labour: one to rase
Out that which long hath got possession,
Another for to make a new impression;
And a much harder task you wil it find
To root out vice then vertue plant i' th' mind;
To cast one divel out is greater pain,
Then two good angels there to entertain,
To keep a vessel sweet is not so much,
As when once sowred 'tis to make it such:
And look at first how it hath season'd bin,
It will retain that odour still therein.
He that ne're thinks on God till he is old,
Gray headed, and his blood froze up with cold,
Rackt with diseases, one foot in the grave,
Whom all the art of Physick cannot save,
A Colledg of Physicians not reprieve,
Or keep his carkass scarce a day alive;
O what a business it will be to climb
To heaven by penitence, when there's no time,
Nor means for him to do it in! but he
By vertue of his faith, nor works, must be
Rapt thither in an instant, as if heaven
Would be to him at the first asking given.
But man remember thy Creator now
Whiles God both time and means doth thee allow.
Trust not thy soul upon a broken reed,
Faith without works will stand in little steed:
When thy first dayes and best in sin are past,
Think not God will accept thy worst and last.
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