Anguish of beggars

Outbreak bilharzia disease,
why thou afffected us most?
You left our movers and shakers
who have everything in abundant to fight against thee.

We are hopeless humans of no generations
Birds and unfavorable coldness are our companions at night
scorching sun is a necessary evil in the day.
Why thou torments our lives, we humans of less privilege
who are neglected by our despot rulers.
We lack everything, except the air we breathe.

Our tears flooded the streets as excess water flooded the drainage
why thou took away our love ones? And left us with your abysmal suffering.
Why thou do this?
Is it because we live in appalling conditions?
Or an adulterated food we ate?
We are adhesion to poverty, but we pray for a better life,
to gain freedom from you the tormentor.