Artist Stranded on the Left Bank

Having scaled the mountains of the moon
with no sherpa for a guide,

having eaten steak and kidney pie
in the depths of despair
in a diminutive pub in Soho,

having consumed five-alarm chili
at The Brimstone Club
on All Saint’s Eve,

having wandered at random
through the endless galleries
of The Louvre on a wet afternoon,

having crawled the Continent
for love, for fury, for nothing
more than an impulse of the times,

he became a brash statistic
in the sordid history of absinthe,

all the fascinating sensations
of deranged hallucination

and his unspent masterpieces
revolving in his head.


Mohamed Sarfan's picture
Dear Poeter, No one can define the mind of an artist. If not the smile of a flower, the cry of a leaf is a storehouse of emotions stored in the human mind. The artist in this world is a classic marvel who gives an innovative woman an imaginary face and a place to live in a world of sculpture. This poem really impressed me. All The Best My Dear Friend; Write More Congratulations

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