Clock Wise

Conform to the confines of the clock
The persistent pendulum tick tock

Take stock of the time you have
It cannot be renewed
Only viewed in vastly different ways
Scaled and measured

Manipulated and anticipated
Fads and fashion antiquated
Precipitated by the main stream
Dream of counting candles
The summation that some may shun.

To the clock we are slaves
Digging graves by the minute
Longing for a moment
Just to be in it

What comes at the end of our sentence
But a loss of sense and future tense
Hence the period, the era, the epoch
Scholars and skeptics
Who among us gets it

Time over laps and surpasses
Makes passes at the best of us
While the rest of us are left in dust

Trust there are no clock wise lies
Only ties to the past and a path to what lies ahead
So instead purge yourself of purgatory
And revel in the glory of every second lost

Brought to the forefront of bought and sold
Time shares, time is old
A story unwritten, smitten with the open door
Explore what’s on the other side

Bide your time and live for the sublime lime light
The high life that amplifies
And carries on…clock wise.