Discordant Cacophony

Dreamed of long ago
Formed in time and space
Nurtured in a sacred space
Thrust into a discordant cacophony
With a redemptive restlessness
To fulfill God’s vision
Of who and what He made me to be

Stepping to and fro from
Forest to river side
Roaming deserts and ice fields,
Traversing oceans and mountain peaks
In some restless quest for that which
Is bigger than all of creations and
More beautiful than perfection

Waging holy wars against the powers
Of darkness and dread
Struggling to stand in the face of adversity
Rappelling down the jagged cliffs
of chance and circumstance
Journeying ever toward
intention and promise

Submitting once for all
Everything I am or will become
To the One who crafted me.
Relinquishing my will and wants
To the originator of thought and desire
Surrendering my life to the one
Who formed me from Adam’s rib.