Emotions are a naked war

In recognition of December 1, World AIDS Day,

I will not touch the flowers anymore.
Because, I am more dangerous than thorns.
Until yesterday my vision was wrong,
I bury sins in the forest of snowdrops.
I often see scary toys in my dreams;
I changed my mind and apologized to them.
I could not bear the smell of my breath.
It stinks like a human body that died many years ago.
Those angels call me back in half dress.
But, I can no longer bear the burden of this disease.
I pierce myself with the knife of desire;
Why did I become like a monster like this?
I write letters asking the Lord for forgiveness;
I kneel and ask the Lord where my peace is.
The Lord looks at my face and frowns.
He thinks of killing all the women of Paradise.
Otherwise, he intends to blind the eyes of this sinner.