Family Separation

Family Separation
By Ramona Thompson
Family belongs together
A mad man in a big white house presumes to make light of that
Maybe because he has never known a true family unit and the its brand of love
Insanity in him seems to run deeper than any human considerations
Love for innocent children cannot be found in his coldest heart of hearts
Y be so cruel Mr. Trump, why?

So many tears we cry as our loving arms ache to hold our stolen children
Every minute without them is a hell on earth
Please do not take your anger against us our on them
Allow us the comfort of our children through this terrible ordeal
Regardless of how you view this immigration mess
Attacking and tearing apart family is not the answer
There has to be a better way
I ask only that you try to meet us halfway on some kind of common ground
Only children, they are not chess pieces you can play with just to win
No sane human being or parent would do this to another

So how can you?
Oh Mr. Trump
How can you?

2018 Ramona Thompson