Five Horror Haiku for WiHM/NHWM 2020


Pretty, nightmare girls
Once created just to die
Now tell the stories.

Her mind exploded
with dark and terrible thoughts
and she found herself.

You may think she's lost
but she's been waiting for you.
A girl's gotta eat.

She gave her last breath
in vain, just to win your heart.
Now she’ll just take it.

You never found her...
but they did. Ever loyal
she waits for you still.

NOTE: To celebrate Women in Horror Month (WiHM11) and National Haiku Writing Month I'm posting a horror haiku every day all month on my social media. This is my first five of the month. Women in Horror Month (WiHM) is an international, grassroots initiative, which encourages supporters to learn about and showcase the underrepresented work of women in the horror industries.