
O infinity....Neverending,everlasting ....
Without space,time ,distance.......
Rather without definite ending............
You are an enigma.....infinity .....

Numbers are infinite.......
Space is infinite .......
Probabilities of life are infinite....
Knowledge also infinite......
Images when we stand between two mirrors ,
Are also not finite.....

For every freewill decision ,
We only make(who else?)......
There are infinite probabilities -
Of life i correct?......o infinity

We fail to see this ....why?
We always cry why am I at the receiving end always?.....
Why am I not prospering?....
Why calamities fall at my door steps only?......
Why fate is treating me like this?....
Is fate testing me to make me stronger?......
Or is fate preparing me for life after death or to next birth....
Confused ....confused....utterly Confused......infinite quandary !!

All this happens because ,
Probabilities of life situations ,
Only are infinite,life is not.....
Once we are born ,we will die......
We have not been entitled
With immortality ,friends....

We with finite life span ,
Are swimming in infinity pool.....
Had we were born with immortality,
We all would have got almost equal share Good and bad life events.......

Nobody knows the ultimate truth...
Anybody claiming otherwise derailing your mind.....
As the universe is in incognito mode,
And its ways are infinite,
No one could demystify the fog.....
Somebody will decode it someday dears....
So stop pondering friends,.....
Just enjoy life without ,
Harming and hating because ,
We can’t beat mortality and Infinity @present....