On Infinity Street

I met her on Infinity Street.

You can go any direction
you choose on Infinity Street

She was that kind of woman,
an Infinity Street kind of woman.

You can go an infinity
of directions on Infinity Street.

We first met in a laundromat
on Infinity Street, washing
and drying and folding.

You can go up and down
on Infinity Street, backward
and forward. You can go
sideways on Infinity Street
at any angle you want.

We first met in the
Amtrak Train Station
on Infinity Street,
both headed in other directions:
We exchanged emails
over white wine and red.

You can take the onramp
to the Interstitial Freeway
that leads you to a different
place and time on Infinity Street.

The classic time we first
met on Infinity Street
was when our cars collided,
though we soon no longer
cared about the damage.

Of course there are fatal
collisions on Infinity Street.
Statistics unavailable.

We repeated a few such
disasters of our own
on Infinity Street,
an affinity from one time
to another to the next.

You can go any
direction you choose
on Infinity Street

If you live
on Infinity Street.

If you are that kind.



Mohamed Sarfan's picture
Dear Poeter, This poem implicitly conveys the fact that the next moment in the life we live is not permanent. Earth regulates and organizes journeys to transform a life that is uncertain to meet today’s humans tomorrow into a normal one. Every second in the contemporary earth is a testament to the fact that before the smiles of men are perfected, the sentences of perpetual tears bury life in the grave. The rest of today’s search may be the beginning of tomorrow; Otherwise, tomorrow may be the end of the world. This poem really impressed me. All The Best My Dear Friend; Write More Congratulations.

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