Look What You Made me Do(POV:You're anorexic)

As a kid, I was skinny,
So, you told me to put on some muscle.
I ate normally, I played normally,
But I was still small as a corpuscle.
I became more of a foodie in Sixth grade,
I heard comments about my increasing weight.
I went on chomping all I wanted,
Whenever I pleased, I drank and ate.
That’s when I developed passion for culinary arts.
I ate what I cooked; I was contented on my part.
“You’re getting chubbier.”, “You look fat.”
My body shape was referred to
At the beginning of every chat.
Towards the end of Eighth grade,
I had to pay the doctor a visit.
Before the actual checkup could start,
I had to get my height and weight checked.
‘Forty Eight point six kilograms’
All I could say was “What the heck”
That was when the comments really started bothering me.
I started to get conscious about the digits on the scale,
And I decided to go on a weight loss journey.
I exercised and starved, I cut down on the ‘bad’ food.
I let my weight directly affect my mood.
Every time the numbers went down pound by pound,
The surge of happiness felt  newfound.
This is how in the due course of a single year
I developed Social anxiety and Anorexia.
The lower the number on the scale goes,
The wider the smile on my lips grows.
Zero self-love, zero confidence, and zero self-esteem.
Even though according to people,
I was getting ‘as light as whipped cream.’
In my goal to obtain my dream physique,
I am my own worst critique.
Thousands of reps of exercise per day,
And a maximum of one small meal.
Even when my ghrelin intensifies,
I keep my mouth shut and sealed.
Taking in even a bite of normal food- fat and ugly is all I feel.
I avoid eating as much as I can, I hate getting out.
Please, stop telling me to eat more. I feel so burnt out.