Memoir and Manual

Away from the lingering night,
Behind the curtains, I have dwelt,
Cut off from the radiant light,
Desperately, I searched for a way out,
Elements of hope were listless and frail,
Futile were my attendant efforts,
Gigantic were the gates that stood before me,
Helpless I was,
Irked by my inability,
Jagged road I have come through,
Kindness of friends has been a prop,
Listening to His voice has been succour,
Mastering His acts has bewildered me,
No one is immutable,
Opportunities sometimes come as disguised parcels,
Perseverance, a key to unlock treasure chests,
Quiet ambience harnesses locked potentials,
Rat race is a bane to originality,
Savour nature’s warm embrace,
Tardy steps don't hinder the day’s dawning,
Unveiled are the night watchers,
Vain is man's help. They can't see you inside out,
Whisper in the still of the night brings home the lost piece,
Xtra doesn’t fit in perfectly,
Yonder I’d love to go through the celestial gates,
Zest and vigour – medicine to a weary soul.