Mommy, Why Am I Different?

Mommy why am I different
From everyone else,
All from head to toe
Why should I like myself?
My skin is dark
My hair is so puffy,
I’m little and thin
This is a toughie.
My eyes are big
My ears are so small,
My lips are thick
Sometimes I wish I was tall.
Why am I different
Why should I love my name,
What makes me, me
Why aren’t we the same?
My child, you’re beautiful
You’re not like everyone,
If we were all the same
Life wouldn’t be fun.
You’re unique for a reason
From head to toe,
You were made to be different
To inspire, live, and grow.
Your eyes are shimmering
Your hair is your crown,
Whoever says otherwise
They’re fools, don’t you frown.
You have style
Be proud of the color of your skin,
It’s okay to be little
It’s okay to be thin.
People want to have your lips
They’re filled with envy,
So you’re perfect the way you are
It was certainly meant to be.
Your name is special
It makes you who you are,
No matter what people say
You’ll always be a star.
In order to love ourselves
We must look within,
Accept the good and the bad
That’s how it’s always been.
So it’s okay to be different
From everyone else,
Never forget about what I’ve told you
Always remember to love yourself.