In my lifetime I've performed over 9000 sins

In my lifetime I've performed over 9000 sins

Pick a religion, any religion, and I have sinned against it
Sins that have been catalogued, weighed, and indexed
Each sin, a heart pockmarked, flamed, shamed

The universe is voracious, a vast sin-eater
And allowing me to sin more, for its feeding pleasure
No remorse, no heat death, sin without end

My sins are not new nor shiny, and cannot be seen
By more than a select few, sinning with me
A sinful conspiracy, beneath a blind complacency

My sins have claws and fangs, dragon-sized
Trapped in its sinful cage with no means of escape
Scratching the innards of my sinful brain

Sins within sins, nested and hatched
Before I leave, some questionable future sin:
Can one sin in their own personal hell?