
It can be difficult to get far beyond where I am,
I listen….
I hear the shadows of time uncaught by the sundials,
Murmuring about the universe’s life cycle.

I haven’t decided yet of where to lay the frontier between what is real and what is imaginary,

Because I just want to say “hello” to the unknown.
Where were we before we were born? Were we?
Where does the soul live?

Our heads have been nodding together through the thousands of years,

Our concept of matter remains unchanged,
Atomic events are hovering in the container that is our body and soul,
Trying to balance between finite and eternity.

I am part of the single, fragile human family,

I believe in light and sparkles,
I defy the soul-matter corroding glorification of human life,
For energy, time, matter, all brought together, surpass us all.