The Potter's Porch

Encomium of the Potter warbles... who at twilights moulded
Heathen pots and earthy vessels
And made each, a small potter like him.
The sands, Fine sands, Fine texture
Mixtures fine, of mud, the Potter's best choice,
A little Liquid, a little mud, moulding
Vessels' head and another mixture
Coupled with nature's breath, forms perfection
And a little Liquid, a little mud
Moulding the body, constraining imperfections.
As he forms, small Potter's like him
In his porch lives the heathens and earthywares
And designs on each exhibits quintessence of him
Proceeding, another liquid and little mud
Moulded the whole as sands' fine turns gold
And form faultlessness with Nature's breath;
The first creation's couple joined at noon.
Flower designs and aesthetic motifs
Were these the Potter's Artistic finger works?
Vessel of Vessels came, moulded in tribal forms
And cultured shapes and man, prominent of all
Vessels moulded, the sixth day after the
Nothingness sphere disappeared for the
Existence of the vessels in his likeness...
Were moulded in the Potter's Porch.