

I’m one of the weird ones
I love winter
Like, “Send me to Siberia” love winter
I adore the crisp, cold fresh air
Gray-clouded skies
The chilling ambiance of blizzard’s threat
Yes, I know.  Weird
But I think I know the real reason
The roots of my fascination
Memories of winters from my youth
You see, these are happy memories
The weatherman predicts snowfall
School would cancel the following day’s classes
This meant I could stay up all night
And stay up all night I would
I’d wait for that first snowflake to fall
Watching little white soldiers
Marching across the dark field of night
One by one by multitudes
The wind would grow fierce
Like a whip driving the icy army
I’m not sure if the howl I heard
The voice of the commanding gale
Or the agony of soldier’s wail
But, the noise was enchanting music
I was fascinated by nature’s symphony
I’d watch her performance as dusting became depth
Snowstalgia, continued

Depth became drift
-Allow me to interject a haiku-
“If snow is magic
I want a raging blizzard
Buried in wonder”
Thank you for your indulgence
My attention would turn to the television
I’d watch all the reruns of old TV shows
Honeymooners, I Love Lucy
Groucho Marx, Burns and Allen
Twilight Zone, One Step Beyond
Shows most of my contemporaries knew nothing about
I’d build a fire in the stone fireplace
Make popcorn, lots of butter and salt
I’d create a perfect snow globe scene
I was happy
And looking forward to the following day
Snowball fights, building tunnels
Trudging in the depths
Can you imagine this scene?
Do you feel my joy?
If you do, perhaps you understand
Even if just a little bit
Why winter means so much to me
Snowstalgia, continued

Maybe your thoughts turn to winter days
Recollections of the things you did
When the snows would come
School would be cancelled
You could stay up all night
Perhaps, you’ll experience your own Snowstalgia
Maybe you’ll wish for a blizzard just like I do