The Woman

The Woman

In them,
were the seeds planted,
In them,
we had our beginning,
They provided nourishment
during our budding stage,
After we came forth,
We were drenched
with love and care,
They fed and cuddled us,
With heavy eyes
and weary hands,
They did their chores,
Even after we had gone
far past toddler stage,
They still stayed close,
Though we left and tied
the nuptial knot,
There’s always a room
for us around them.

Though far and away,
Remembrance of their
tender care,
Brings us back to them,
Their supportive advice has
kept us from harm’s way,
Has covered away our shame,
Confiding in them on up close
and personal matters,
Saved us from
embarrassing moments.
Bringing out the best
and shine in us,
Is their utmost
reasonable goal,
They nipped in the bud even
the slightest ill-attitude.

When they are gone,
A vacuum is left,
A lingering void perpetuates,
The home front is dealt
a blow,
Incompleteness sets in,
We are left with a deficit
of one in the race,
A reduction in the
quantum leap,
Someone else tries
to fill the space,
They try to wear the shoes,
It doesn’t fit well enough,
An irreparable loss.


Mohamed Sarfan's picture
Dear Poeter, Woman is a mystery that will never be understood. A poem that carries birth in the language of love travels the boundaries of life in the way of character. Write More Congratulations

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