The Wonder of Life: A Sestina

I sit in my room, immune to the breeze
that cools and caresses and rustles the trees as light
creeps in through the window and tells of a life
outside these dreary walls of strife. I wonder
by what magic the leaves
of these giant timbers inspire and calm.

O that I could but taste that peace, that calm,
and rest my wandering mind. If only the breeze
that so mercifully raptures the leaves
would hasten me also to that world of light,
that world of wonder,
I might know life.

Inspired, I rise, thirsting for life
to quench my desire for peace and a calm 
by which I might live; I wonder
if it can even exist. A breeze
in such flawless and graceful a union with light
is so wondrous a thought that it leaves

me in ecstatic delight. The leaves
beckon me outward, so outward I go, full of life,
into the blissful and wondrous light.
on my palm sunlight dances as a spirit of calm
summons me further— I follow the breeze
as it faithfully guides me to honey-sweet wonder.

To whither, I wonder, 
do I follow the leaves
as they dance in the sunlight and swim in the breeze?
I’m lead to a forest that’s bursting with life, 
a symphonic marriage of beauty and calm.
Entranced by the light

that sneaks through the leaves, a light
that fills my soul with a wonder,
a peace and a calm
that in me leaves
the touch, the taste, the breath of life,
I revel in nature, companioned by only that softening breeze.

Light seeps in through a space in the leaves,
and my mind is filled with the wonder of life
as to Heaven I gaze, transfixed, entranced, by the
calm of the breeze.
