by DavidKM


Old man swings his legs

old eyes pale as jelly

blue-gray water spume surge

crabs scavenge among weedy rocks

gulls laugh and cry above

where are his people

the wind carries no voices

bare hills bake in the hot sun

he looks across the sea and under it

they are hidden from him

he can taste their 2% in the strong folk

of the smoking islands

once, he adopted

the new children made up wild stories

they carved his face again and again

built and buried memorials

wore their devotion in distended bellies

passed forever into his dreams

he's alone in a world whose

lusty new folk pushed their cousins

to extinction in the long-ago time

he contemplates adopting again

he could rise up over the sea

he could live among them

rebirth his people the old-fashioned way

one child at a time

but that's too much for an old man

he stares stonily from every slope



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