Your shadow.

How do you know it's love?
Is it when you feel butterflies in your stomach
At thier sight?
Or is it like a shadow that follows you around
When you're with them?

Just like at dawn when the shadow emerges
Tall but fragile, light
Tingling at your feet, barely holding on
But it exists, right?

Is that how love begins?

And as the sun steps west
Shining a little more,
On you, on them,
And the shadow, torrid
Growing smaller, steadily,
holding you tighter
Keeping you safe, still.
The happiness,
Satisfaction, affection,

That's how it progresses, right?

And lo, noon.
Your star, overhead.
with you,
It's within.
The sun and you and your shadow
One being.
Now hold them all.
Together, always.

You can't, can you?
Nothing stays.

As the sun rolls down
You can't stop it
It has to.
The fate, bleak
And so is the shadow
Fading, its trying to cling on
The sun seeping it's colour
In you,
And you're left with
It's shade, visible.
The shadow?
As the night reigns
The moon replaces.

It's bright,
Reflects light
Tries its best
But can't form the shadow.

Rest assured
It is there
Close your eyes, feel it
They're both still in you.

The sun and love.