My Transgression

The glowing sun is just about set
And I have a glass of wine in my hand
A candle burns in a robust flame
My beloved snuggles in my embrace,
There’s a prospect of romance in the air--
And Muezzin* calls the faithful to prayer…

O God
Pardon me my evening prayer!

My evening has blossomed
into a promising night
Her long and lustrous hair swaying
like flower-laden boughs in the wind
Let me drink and imbibe my love deeply,
I know a new day is not going to now dawn…

O God
Pardon me my morning prayer!

(*Muezzin: One who summons Muslims
to prayer from the minaret of a mosque.)

In Persian mystical poetry, wine refers to the nectar of divine ecstasy;
God as the Beloved, the Absolute.