Bonny Lassie O

We'll ma' be meet no more bonny Lassie O,
For it mickle bodeth me
Now I'm going to cross the sea
That our courtship may be o'er
Bonny lassie O,
The burnie rinning clear
And the bonny fragrant brere
Tomorrow will be here
Bonny lassie O,
But when I'm left the shore
I'll may be meet no more
The maid I most adore
And that is none but thee Bonny Lassie O.


There's a tear upon thy e'e bonny Lassie O.
But if I be the cause
I maun obey the laws
And force my sen to sea bonny Lassie O
Here's the burnie will be here
And rinning just as clear
As now both are standing here bonny Lassie O
But when the worst is past
And the die o' hope is cast
And I've look'd on thee the last
Wilt thou shed a tear for me bonny lassie O —


I can but say I may bonny Laddie O
But can thou see them fa'
On this heather bloom sa' sma'
When thou art on the sea Bonny laddie O —
I canna' say I may
But I'll sorely rue the day
And wish the worst away Bonny lassie O
If my lassie true remain
Then I care na' fo' the Main
But we'll surely meet again
And I'll kiss thee in these flowers Bonny lassie O.
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