Do Ye Like the Health Lassie

Do ye like the heath lassie
There to hear the wild bee
The Ring fingers brassey
The Blue skipper free
Up and down dancing
Out oer the lea
In the sun glancing
Then wander with me

Take up your bonnet love
On with your shawl love
The walk depend on it love
Is pleasant for all love
Do ye like the hills maiden
Oer laden with thyme
With rock roses braiden
Shining bright and divine

Do ye like the furze prickly
Yellow over with flower
And crimpt brake looking sickly
In the sunsetting hour
The heather heath maiden
Do you like it or no
Then put on your plaiden
And off we will go—

There the spinning bee fly
At the Foxglove hath spun
Then darts from the eye
Like a shot from a gun
Do ye like the heath maiden
Its mole hills o' thyme
With the rock roses braiden
Then up let us climb

Thy bonnet put on love
And fold on thy shawl
From its rest the Doves gone love
Light shines over all
Dost thou love the heath maiden
Furze bush, flower and tree
And the rock roses braiden
The hills follow me
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