Dolley Dear No. 7

Oh Dolly I's dot someping new
And dat is why I tame
I's dot a featheart — wealy true
And Bimmie Bown's his name.

I had a nice wide in his tart
The new one wif the tilt
But in the werry wussest part
I went and dot upspilt.

And Bimmie tunned and tuddled me
And wiped orp all the bleed
And dived me his new hapenny
To buy some annieseed.

And then he wunned away to bring
A ha'penny turprise
Wif, what you fink? — a weal gold wing
Ezackly dest my size.

And so he is my featheart now
And you tan have my bruvver
Betause when I drow bid you know
I will be Bimmie's muvver.
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