The Drama of Summer

Act One: A rocky stretch of land.
D RAMATIS Personae : Two women,
Who, hand in hand, upon the sand,
Learn of a wisdom they are dim in.
About them lies a world of dreams,
And, smiling with the summer weather,
The younger breathes, " You baste the seams,
And tack the plaits and gores together. "

A CT T WO : The actors are the same.
T HE S CENE : A wood of pines and birches;
A wood whose beauties put to shame
The cynic soul that doubts and searches...
The fair one's face blooms like a flower,
And, with a sigh intensely utter,
She hints, " I let it boil an hour,
Then add about a pound of butter. "

A CT T HREE : A line of moonlit hills —
Enchantment sweeps the singing river;
And while a love-sick linnet thrills,
They murmur — and their voices quiver:
" I told her she could pack and go — "
" You mean that she " — " My dear, I'm certain —
She copied all my hats — and slow! "
" Well, servants will be servants. "
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