Ellen Evelina

Thou hast smiles for all the world,
Ellen Evelina;
Beautiful those smiles may be,
Warm as sunshine and as free;
But I'd rather, I confess,
Love a maid, who, smiling less,
Gave her sweetest smiles to me,
Ellen Evelina.

Thou canst win the world's applause,
Ellen Evelina;
Thou'rt a wit and bel esprit ,
Living upon flattery;
But I'd rather all my days
Love a woman, seeking praise,
Not from others, but from me,
Ellen Evelina.

When thou singest, hearts beat low,
Ellen Evelina;
Admiration great and free
Lingers on thy melody;
But no song, however fair,
In my fancy can compare
With a whispered — " I love thee,"
Ellen Evelina.

Oft I think against my will,
Ellen Evelina,
Notwithstanding all I see,
Bright and beautiful in thee,
That thou lovest, Oh my belle ,
Thy enchanting self too well,
To give love enough to me,
Ellen Evelina.

Thou hast chosen — so have I —
Ellen Evelina;
In thy track I'll cease to run,
I will end as I begun;
She whom I would choose for life,
For my love, my friend, my wife,
Must have heart — and thou hast none,
Ellen Evelina.
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