Give place all ye that doth rejoice

Give place all ye that doth rejoice,
And love's pangs hath clean forgot.
Let them draw near and hear my voice
Whom Love doth force in pains to fret,
For all of plaint my song is set,
Which long hath served and nought can get.

A faithful heart so truly meant
Rewarded is full slenderly;
A steadfast faith with good intent
Is recompensèd craftily;
Such hap doth hap unhappily
To them that mean but honestly.

With humble suit I have assay'd
To turn her cruel-hearted mind,
But for reward I am delay'd,
And to my wealth her eyes be blind.
Lo, thus by chance I am assign'd
With steadfast love to serve the unkind.

What vaileth truth, or steadfastness,
Or still to serve without repreef?
What vaileth faith or gentleness
Where cruelty doth reign as chief?
Alas, there is no greater grief
Than for to love and lack relief.

Care doth constrain me to complain
Of love, and her uncertainty
Which granteth nought but great disdain
For loss of all my liberty.
Alas, this is extremity
For love to find such cruelty.

For love to find such cruelty,
Alas, it is a careful lot;
And for to void such mockery
There is no way but slip the knot.
The gain so cold, the pain so hot,
Praise it who list, I like it not.
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