Haif hairt in hairt ye hairt of hairtis haill

Haif hairt in hairt ye hairt of hairtis haill
Trewly sweit hairt your hairt my hairt sall haif
Expell deir hairt my havy hairtis baill
Praying yow hairt quhik hes my hairt in graif
Sen ye sweit Hairt my hairt may sla and saif
Lat not deir hairt my leill hairt be forloir
Excelland hairt of every hairtis gloir.

Glaid is my Hairt with yow suiet Hairt to rest
And serve yow hairt with hairtis observance
Sen ye ar hairt with bayth our hairtis possest
My Hairt is in your hairtis governance
Do with my hairt your hairtis sweit plesance
ffor is my hairt thrall your hairt untill
I have no hairt contrair yor hairtis will

Sen ye haif hairt my faythfull hairt in cure
Uphald the hairt quhilk is your hairtis awin
Gif my hairt be your hairtis serviture
How may ze thoill your trew hairt be ourthrawin
Quhairfoir sweit hairt not suffer so be knawin
But ye be hairt my hairtis rejosing
As ye ar hairt of hairtis conforting.
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