The Heralds of the Spring

My ear is listening for the sound
Of earliest bird upon the tree,
Or sparrow, flitting o'er the ground,
Whose note so welcome is to me.

How long the trees have silent stood,
Through the cold, cheerless, winter days!
How lone the fields, the turnpike's road,
While hushed so long the sparrow's lays!

They tell of Spring's returning reign,
With its warm sun and milder sky:
That every stream has burst its chain,
And the green grass and flowers are nigh.

When man with Nature too awakes,
And feels with it the quickening breath;
And of the general joy partakes
Of earth's return from sleep and death,

Come quickly then, with welcome song,
Ye heralds of the early Spring;
Why tarry on your way so long,
Nor haste your joyful notes to sing?
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