Ho shal graunten to myn eye

Ho shal graunten to myn eye
a strong streme of teres,
to wailen and to wepyn
the sorwynge of synne?
for charité is chasid
and flemed out of londe,
and every state stakerth
unstable in him silfe.
Now apperid the prophecie
that seint Joon seide,
to joyne therto Johel
in his soth sawis;
the moone is al blodi
and dymme on to lokyn,
that signefieth lordship
forslokend in synne;
the sterres ben on erthe throwun
and fallen to the erthe,
and so is the comounté
treuli oppressid;
the sunne is eclipsid
with al his twelve pointes,
by erroure and heresie,
that rengnith in the chirche.
Now is oure bileve laft
and Lollardi growith;
envie is enhaunsid
and aproched to preestes,
that shulden enforme her flok
and ground in Goddes lawe,
to love her God sovereynli,
and sithen her brothir.
Bot not for thanne now is taugt
hindring of states,
and pursuynge of poverte,
that Crist hath approved,
Now is that seed of cisme
sowen in the chirche;
the whete fadith with the floure,
oure fode is for to feche.
Ffoxes frettid in fere
wasten the cornes,
and Cristes vine is vanishid
to the verray rote.
Now Achor spoilith Jerico,
and lyveth of the thefte;
and so lyven this Lollardis
in her fals fablis.
Datan and Abiron
and Chorees children,
with newe senceres ensencen
the auters of synne.
Baal preestes ben bolde
sacrifice to make,
and mortel maladi
crepith in as a canker;
and thus is Jak Uplond
fodid with folie,
and thourg formyng of his formere
thus freyneth a frere.
On wounder wise, seith Jak,
freres, ge ben growun;
sowen in goure sectes
of Anticristis hondes;
unboxom to bishopis,
not lege men to kynges;
wede corn ne gras
wil ge not hewen,
ne lyven with Jakke in labour,
but al to gour ese.
Jak, thi formur is a fole,
that thus thee hath yfourmed,
to make so lewid an argument
agens so many freres,
that better knowen ligtles
her doctours and her bible,
than he can rede his troper
bi a long torche.
But, Jak, thoug thi questions
semen to thee wyse,
git ligtly a lewid man
maye leyen hem a water;
ffor summe ben lewid, summe ben shrewid
summe falsli supposid;
and therfore shal no maister,
ne no man of scole,
be vexid with thy maters,
but a lewid frere
that men callen frere Daw Topias,
as lewid as a leke,
to medelin with thi malice
as longe as thou wolt.
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