Hymn: The Word Before All Things

Not first the things, which we behold;
Though they, since time began,
E'en from Creation's dawn of old,
Have been beheld by man.

Not first the grove, the hill, the stream,
Though beauteous to the sight;
Nor first the sun's bright, golden beam,
Nor stars with silvery light.

Nor first were beasts, nor creeping things,
Nor insects' glittering throng,
Nor birds, that soar on sun-bright wings,
And fill the groves with song:

But first the Word, which gave them birth,
Eternal and divine;
Which built the heavens, and spread the earth,
And bade the stars to shine.

By it, each thing that is was made,
Beast, insect, bird, and man;
Ere earth's foundations first were laid,
God saw the wondrous plan.

In it is light forever pure,
Brighter than man can see;
That must eternally endure,
When these shall cease to be.

Within the darkened human mind
It shines, though dimmed its ray;
To lead the soul, which sin makes blind,
To realms of endless day;

Where fairer things, and more sublime,
That Word shall then reveal;
Which, now, the world of sense and time
Doth from man's sight conceal.
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