Hymns for the Amusement of Children - Hymn 22. Gratitude

I upon the first creation
Clap'd my wings with loud applause,
Cherub of the highest station,
Praising, blessing, without pause.

I in Eden's bloomy bowers
Was the heav'nly gardner's pride,
Sweet of sweets, and flow'r of flowers,
With the scented tinctures dy'd.

Hear, ye little children, hear me,
I am God's delightful voice;
They who sweetly still revere me,
Still shall make the wisest choice.

Hear me not like Adam trembling,
When I walk'd in Eden's grove;
And the host of heav'n assembling,
From the spot the traitor drove.

Hear me rather as the lover
Of mankind, restor'd and free;
By the Word ye shall recover
More than that ye lost by Me.

I'm the Phoenix of the singers,
That in upper Eden dwell;
Hearing me Euphrates lingers,
As my wond'rous tale I tell.

'Tis the story of the Graces,
Mercies without end or sum;
And the sketches and the traces
Of ten thousand more to come.

List, my children, list within you,
Dread not ye the tempter's rod;
Christ our gratitude shall win you,
Wean'd from earth, and led to God.
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