If I might have at mine own will


If I might have at mine own will
Such flood of tears wherewith to drown,
Of fire so hot as Aetna hill
With fervent fire that I might burn,
Then should I end this careful pain
That force perforce I do sustain.

Or if the sighs of woeful heart
Could cause myself asunder break,
Then by that means I should depart
My mourning days, and so to wreak
My wearied life and careful pain
That force perforce I do sustain.

Or if my hand such hap might find
With sword or knife to ease my woe,
Then should I ease my painful mind.
But since my hap cannot hap so,
I must abide this careful pain
That force perforce I do sustain.

Or if I might have at my wish
The heaven to fall to short my life,
So by such chance I could not miss
But I should end my woeful strife
That doth increase this careful pain
That force perforce I do sustain.

Or if the earth at my request
Had power to open, as in my will,
I know right well my wearied breast
Should need no more to sigh his fill,
For then should end this careful pain
That force perforce I do sustain.
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