Inscribed on a Painting of Dragons by Ch'en So-weng

Ocean tides curl in anger, swift winds rage,
white-capped waves pile high, jutting mountains of snow!
An old dragon sports among the waves,
along with his scaly brethren:
his claws and scales all drip with moisture from the spray.
Since ancient times, who has been most skillful
at capturing such scenes?
Only one man attained " spiritual wonder " : Ch'en So-weng!
Ah, how many are the transformations in this scroll!
Thunder and rain spring forth from the strokes of his brush.
Inspired, I unroll the picture, and inscribe this for you:
it may not belong to Seng-yu's oeuvre,
but it's a treasure of great price!
Author of original: 
Hsieh Chin
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