Just Now I Met a Maiden

Just now I met a maiden
With a bright and diamond eye
Trees wi' yellow leaves were laden
And cloudy was the sky
Where the cart horse daily trudges
And the cart goes rocking by
There I met a pretty maiden
Wi a bright and diamond eye

The birds had sung no matins
No lark was in the sky
When with an umberrella
She passed me on the way
And I never saw her fellow
For beauty till that day
On her cheeks ten thousand kisses lye
But none to take away

Her mouth was luscious loveliness
Half open with a smile
And Lady like her bonny dress
The Queen o' cherry Isle
O bright and bonny was the maid
Though gloomy was the day
To love her I was half afraid
Tho' brightly shone her eye

I feel it now a flood of joy
Steals o'er in memory's power
I felt it when I was a boy
Round this delightful flower
And now I live her dwelling near
The floods may rave and roar
I think I love her all the year
And shall for ever more.
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