Mary Appleby

Mary Appleby come now the spring is here fairly
And leave the dull city and town
Come where the cowslips all blossom so early
And the plovers they swoop up and down
The deepest green shade it lies on the grass
And the deepest green leaf's on the white thorn tree
And I will walk there with a sweet bonny lass
My beautiful young Mary Ann Appleby —


Beautiful morning comes sweet Mary Appleby
The grasses are beaded wi' April dew
There starts the butterfly and the drone dapple bee
And all the gay landscape seems waiting for you.


How sweet in the morn the flight o' the swallow
How sweet rushes wave i' the swamps o' the lake
The daiseys and ladysmocks bloom i' the hollow
And loud is the calling the pewit birds make
O come Mary Appleby sweet Mary Appleby
Gather bright cowslips upon the green lea
Come wi' gold butterfly and the great dapple bee
For surely dear Mary I dearly love thee.
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