Sad, sullen the sun rises,
Thoughts of deprivation surmises.
Oh! He missed his beloved again,
Next morning, he'll see her then.

Star studded the nocturnal might,
She compromises that all she lied.
'what he will think of this all,
When he'll miss me at early dawn.'

The rising sun saw gleaming gifts,
Her tears crowded the floral rifts.
Her face reflects in pearly dews,
Paying for her unfaithful dues.

Snapped open her dusky eyes,
Heard patiently the Lycan cries.
'oh, if only I could see thee,
From this cycle I should be free.'

Then on a bright afternoon,
He fastened towards the west with gloom.
But a fading face on the eastern past,
He did see her glory at last.



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