O how I wish I could float
among the clouds
looking upon trees and mountains
of astounding years
and flowers showing off
beautiful colors from
a watercolor pallet
with waters blue vying
to steal attention
from the sky, settling
for a warm sun kissed smile
from He who presented
to the world when time was young,
all things,
when you and I were inquisitive
and wanderers within our own minds
seeing many wonders resting
upon clouds and the voyaging moon
satisfied in ellipses sure and steady
from He who created all things.
how i ponder the lightness of
mist rising among shards of predawn
glimpses of sunlight.
My soul is carefree and
meets time to walk hand
in hand to a new day
worried not for I am reminded
yesterday is in time's hand
and my desire is to watch clouds
float in all things now
and to dream of You
my peace, my sanctuary, my God.



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