Like a dagger though the heart it stings and burns,
Like a bullet though the brain my thoughts drift away.
I might be a young child, but I can fight, I’m fighting for my life tonight.
I ponder about friends and family: will they miss me or am I just a burden?
I lay on this hospital bed stuck in a trance, crying gushes as l try to get out.
I’m alone in this world with no family or friends: all I have is this coma which never ends.
I can hear their thoughts as they sit by my side,
As I hear them say Just let him die.
I know I didn’t deserve this but all I can do now is cry,
No-one can hear me; no-one can bide more time.
They’re going to pull the plug but right before that second, my life flashes before my eyes.
I remember being a kid, having loads of fun
But then I see the slip which makes my tears run.
I’m lying on the floor completely knocked out, no-one can see me, not a single shout.
Now I know why I’m going to die,
I was a massive cost and simply didn’t have enough time.



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