Hopeless cries maybe but from far away
I'm lolling in the lap of luxury
So why do I care if they eat but whey.

Desperate parents sighing all the day
Living a life of toil and drudgery
Hopeless cries maybe but from far away

Poverty-stricken, none more poor than they
While I fun and feast, they eat shrubbery,
So why do I care if they eat but whey.

Kneeling down unto the Lord they did pray
Every breath unkind, a toilsome journey
Hopeless cries maybe but from far away.

It is the rule of our fate, none can sway
There is no escape, no recovery
So why do I care if they eat but whey.

While they subsist on handouts, sleep on hay
They but reap what they sow, in summery
Hopeless cries maybe but from far away
So why do I care if they eat but whey.

~Form: Villanelle



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