We all live in a fake world
Imagining the illusions
Are the real world
It is all in our insane heads

Nothing but psychotic nonsense
That we project into the world

The world is filled with fake people
Living fake lives in fake villages
In faked communities

Following the latest faked scandal
The latest fake outrage

Not knowing or caring
That nothing is real

Except perhaps death
And taxes

And if you have the right attorney
Even that can be faked

Fake Death
The Gods of Science
Are about to discover

The secrets of life and death
And banish death
To the dust bin of history

As we all replace
Our bodies and our souls
With robotic new fake bodies

With the illusion
That we can live forever
Just replacing this and that body part

Living out our empty life
Wishing that we could end it all
And embrace death

But in world of fake life
Death too becomes fake

And so we are doomed
To live our futile fake life

Until at last we meet death
Perhaps in a thousand years
Perhaps in a million years

Perhaps tomorrow
Death in the end

Will prove to be
The one real thing
In this fake universe of ours
