a blown out fort
guards against
the imaginary natives

instead of a cannon
she held up
a worn out mop

a man stands apart
for the battle to end

through a hole
she looks at the
landscape before her

blood crackles
from the severed
remains battle

the wall offered
no protection
as the enemy swarmed

he wants to fight
but freezes
with the sound of drums

the wall crumbles
into the rumbles
of time

robes on
a stone post—
her son is dead

he was dressed
too nicely
for the way he died

she huddles
with a stone
waiting for it all to end

the farmers ponder
what the battle

their white flag
of surrender
is soiled red with blood

heaven’s shadows
fall on dying

there is music
on the battlefield
but where is the band?

in time the corpses
on this field
will be no more than sand
