A man fights his way into a small pizza joint

Scrapes together some scraps of change in his pocket

And purchases a slice of heaven to fill his stomach

Only 30 minute lunch breaks here

15 minutes left

enough time for one cigarette and one coffee

Just as burnt as he is

He takes a drag and thinks of the maybes

The could haves

The life he would be living

The possibilities

He takes a sip and thinks

What a waste his degree in quantum physics is

Now that he combines large numbers for a living

So far from his home on the other side of the earth

Thinks of his time as something lost

It’s only noon,

And this day is already done

He remembers his studying days

The words that would leap off the page

and dance in his head

Showing him a galaxy of ideas

A plethora of equations that can explain all the things his parents couldn’t

The cigarette burns down to the filter

The coffee’s cold

On the other side of the Earth

It is way past her bedtime

She is reading

She has no time for breaks

Her single mother can yell at her all she wants,

But she is unraveling the secrets of the universe

And they are all in her book

The clock says midnight

But time is irrelevant

Einstein taught her that

Now she is letting Hawking open her mind to the possibility

That anyone can travel through time if they had a black hole

She scribbles on a piece of paper until she makes one herself

Plays time traveler

Goes to the future

Walks around the metropolis that used to be her town

Sees the plaque that thanks her for her achievements in science

Plays quantum leaper

Jumps across an ocean to see her father

He tells her he’s proud of her determination

Wishes he didn’t have to do simple math for money

Because now he wants to talk about theories with her

To pick her oh so similar brain

She hops back to her room by opening her eyes

Water makes her vision blur

A wipe of the arm

She goes back to her desk

Opens another book

Opens her mind

To the possibilities



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