You look down, I feel you.
In our world of madness,
you cannot turn your head up
yet your world is full of peacefulness

Behind you, some of your neighbours stand upright.
Their eyes are open, yet they lost their sight
They can speak, yet they decide to remain silent
trapped in their world
with no willingness to escape,
they only listen and feel...

They listen to you,
to your concerns about our world of madness.
They don’t speak, their touch is all you need to rise up your head again

And they can feel,
they feel the aura of your world
from the water, the air, the love of their neighbours...
They can even sense our presence here

- The return of Her “Prodigal sons”!

They welcome us back with music and fragrances
We then sit together and enjoy the serenity of our world...

P. C. 2020



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