For centuries we’d had the lover’s phone,
two cans attached to the ends of a taut string.
And speaking tubes were used on ships to bring
two voices close, each like a loud trombone.
With telegraphs, we felt far less alone.
When phones became electric, we could sing
and joke and grouse, tell anecdotes, or sting
a lover and not watch them moan or groan.

But now we talk with holograms or solely
observe each other on a wristwatch screen.
However far, our signals all careen
faster than light, for light goes much too slowly!
I call my deceased sister at low cost.
With modern phones now, no one’s really lost.



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Mohamed Sarfan's picture

Dear Poeter, Every invention of man is essential to this world. The great invention of the telephone in the course of time brings back to the idea that people in the distance were on the side, and today lives in the distance. Through effective changes and practices, man has to recover by overcoming some grievances. All The Best My Dear Friend; Write More Congratulations

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