Prayer for Divine Sympathy
Savior! I bring to thee my chain,
For heavier bonds on thee were flung;
I bare to thee my bosom's pain,
For bitt'rer pangs from thee were wrung.
I think upon that awful hour,
When thee, the Shepherd of the flock,
The Prince of Peace, the Lord of pow'r,
The priest did scorn, the soldier mock.
And bleeding from the Roman rod,
And scoff'd at by the heartless Jew,
I hear thee plead for them to God—
“Father! they know not what they do.”
And then I lift my trembling eyes,
To that bright seat, where, plac'd on high,
The great, th' atoning Sacrifice,
For me, and all, is ever nigh.
Be thou my guard on peril's brink,
Be thou my guide through weal or wo,
And teach me of thy cup to drink;
And make me in thy path to go!
For what is earthly change or loss?
Thy promises are still my own:
The feeblest frame may bear thy cross,
The lowliest spirit share thy throne.
For heavier bonds on thee were flung;
I bare to thee my bosom's pain,
For bitt'rer pangs from thee were wrung.
I think upon that awful hour,
When thee, the Shepherd of the flock,
The Prince of Peace, the Lord of pow'r,
The priest did scorn, the soldier mock.
And bleeding from the Roman rod,
And scoff'd at by the heartless Jew,
I hear thee plead for them to God—
“Father! they know not what they do.”
And then I lift my trembling eyes,
To that bright seat, where, plac'd on high,
The great, th' atoning Sacrifice,
For me, and all, is ever nigh.
Be thou my guard on peril's brink,
Be thou my guide through weal or wo,
And teach me of thy cup to drink;
And make me in thy path to go!
For what is earthly change or loss?
Thy promises are still my own:
The feeblest frame may bear thy cross,
The lowliest spirit share thy throne.
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